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 | Associate Professor of Philosophy |  
Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, USA


Tyler Dalton McNabb 


I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Saint Francis University in Loretto, Pennsylvania. Previously, I also held an Associate Professorship at The University of Saint Josep in Macau, China. I was also an Assistant Professor at Houston Baptist University and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Macau. 


My PhD thesis committee consisted of Jim Beilby and Michael Brady. Victoria Harrison (primary supervisor), Martin Smith, and Adam Rieger were the supervisors for my project.


My areas of specialty are in philosophy of religion, epistemology, comparative philosophy, and analytic theology.


I also have interests in Thomism, ethics and political philosophy.


You may contact me at

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Hagia Sophia in Turkey
Holy Sacraments & The McNabb Family
Tyler at Bascilica
The Ruins of Saint Paul in Macau
The Famous Alvin Plantinga
Tyler and Craig
Dr. Tyler McNabb
PhD Graduation at The University of Glasgow in Scotland
Lecturing in Haifa, Israel
Tyler speaking
Presenting in Glasgow, Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland
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Tyler at conference

Global Conferences


December, 2024

'The Shentong Tradition and Classical THeism: A Synthesis?' Annual Meeting of the Philosophy and Religion Society of Thailand, Chulalongkorn University. 

November, 2024

‘Soft Integralism,’ God and Political Authority Panel, Evangelical Philosophical Society, San Diego.

November, 2024

 ‘The Shentong Tradition and Classical Theism: A Synthesis?’ Comparative Philosophy Workshop, Australia Catholic University.

May, 2023

‘Is Belief in God Natural?’ Ibn Haldun University.

May, 2023

‘Aristotelian Proof Revisited’ International Science, Philosophy, and Religion Foundation, Acibadem University.

March, 2023

 (With Gregory Stacey) ‘Sola Scriptura and the Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism,’ Warranted Catholic Belief Conference, University of Saint Joseph, Macao.

March 19, 2022

(Joseph Blado) ‘Divine Simplicity and First and Second Stages of the Cosmological Argument,’ Evangelical Philosophical Society (Southwest Regional).

December, 2020

 “Do you see what I see?: Proper Functionalism and the Beatific Vision,” American Academy of Religion, Online.

June, 2018

'From Knowledge to God,' Haifa Conference on Philosophy of Religion 

November, 2017

“Wiley Coyote and the Craiggy Rocks Below: The Perils of Godless
Ethics,” Symposium on Erik Wielenberg’s Robust Ethics, American Academy of Religion, Boston.

November , 2017

“What if God was one of us?:

Thisness a recommendation for thinking
about God,” Evangelical Philosophical Society, Providence.

October, 2017

“By Whose Authority?: A Political Argument for God’s Existence,” (Co-
presented with Jeremy Neill) Society of Christian Philosophers Midwest,

Houston Baptist University.

March, 2017

“Divine Methodology: A Lawful Deflection of Kantian and Kantian-esque
Defeaters,” (co-written with Erik Baldwin) Evangelical Philosophical Society Southwest,
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

February, 2017

“Super Mario Strikes Back: A Molinist Reply to Welty’s Gunslingers,”
Pantologia Colloquia, Houston Baptist University.

November, 2016

“Warranted Religion and Theistic Personalism,” Evangelical Philosophical

May, 2016

“An Epistemic Defeater for Islamic Belief” (co-written with Erik Baldwin) Glasgow
Philosophy of Religion Seminar, University of Glasgow.

September, 2015

“Is the Problem of Divine Hiddenness a Problem for the Reformed
Epistemologist?,” (co-written with Tyler Taber) British Society for Philosophy of Religion, Oxford

April, 2015

“Warranted Religion and Natural Theology,” (co-written with Owen Anderson)
American Philosophical Association Pacific, Vancouver.

July, 2014

“Defending and Reformulating Alvin Plantinga’s Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism,” Tyndale Fellowship Seminar, Cambridge University.

May, 2014

“Warranted Religion: Answering Objections to Alvin Plantinga’s Epistemology,”
Glasgow Philosophy of Religion Seminar, University of Glasgow.

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